Deep Thoughts...

Ramblings of the easily distracted... Hey - what's that?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

But seriously...

OK - now that I think I've gotten that onslaught game out of my system, I might suggest reading two rather thought provoking articles:

1) Fast Company did a really enlightening article on the bottled water industry... Americans spent $15B on bottled water last year! Makes me want to just fill my Nalgene and use that all the time now.

2) I had not heard of Hans Rosling before. But I have heard of TED - the annual conference on Technology, Entertainment and Design - where there are usually some really smart people pitching some really great ideas. This talk by Hans on "New Insights on Poverty and Life around the World" was no exception - it converted boring statistics like population, GDP, per-capita income, etc into some really interesting graphical representations - and really got his points across. I believe Google has since bought the software.



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