Deep Thoughts...

Ramblings of the easily distracted... Hey - what's that?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

"upload to internet" - now a reality...

We always joked about the "upload to internet" button in reference to extremely embarrassing or unflattering pictures. Who would've thought that it's now actually possible to have pictures sent directly from your digital camera to your flickr/smugmug/etc picture sharing site! With this little SD card that also happens to be a Wifi transceiver. More information at

It works great with wifi networks at home, but unfortunately, it won't work with wifi hotspots that require splashscreen logons. (e.g. starbucks/airports, etc). You can also just have it dump the pictures to your laptop - which might allow a little editorial work before actually uploading to the internet for the world to see... :)


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