Deep Thoughts...

Ramblings of the easily distracted... Hey - what's that?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Hockey Injuries...

I was late to hockey last night. I was down in Irvine for some meetings, and fully expected to miss Monday night hockey, esp with the flight departing OC at 5:10pm and my game starting at 7:00pm in Redwood City! Once the plane landed, I decided some hockey/exercise was better than none, and managed to get out at the start of the 2nd period. First shift out, I grab the puck and score - literally within the first 10 steps on the ice. What a great shift! I was pretty psyched. Hockey is a great game - it's not like workouts like running or swimming or working out on the treadmill - where your mind can still be on work or wandering. Hockey literally transports a person back in time - to when one was a carefree kid and their sole job was to put this puck in that net...

Oh well - somewhere during the second period I end up going into the boards to get the puck, and stepped on someone's stick - sending my feet flying out from under me. I land, hard, on my tailbone (owie!) throwing my right arm out to break the fall. Fortunately there's a whistle to stop play, and I limp back to the boards. We end up losing the game 3-2. :(

Today I wake up and I discover that anything I do that requires raising my arm above my head - e.g. washing my hair, putting my shirt on, etc - results in major pain in my right shoulder. I deal with it, and go into work. Later the pain starts to get worse, and I think it might be a good idea to check with the doctors just in case its a broken collarbone or something serious. I take off after lunch, and head over to the local urgent care facility. The doctor makes me do a couple tests, and explains he thinks I have a torn rotator cuff. He sends me off for x-rays just to be sure, and later prescribes some prescription strength ibuprofen, ice, and some exercises to maintain mobility in the joint. He said it should heal itself within 2-3 weeks, as he didn't think it was a full depth tear in the muscle. If it doesn't heal, surgery might be the next option. Ugh. The only way to know for sure is to get an MRI done.

I might still get this done anyway - I want to know the extent of the damage. My tailbone is still sore too. Guess I'll have to take it easy at hockey on Thursday... :)

Speaking of doctors, medicine today seems awfully impersonal. Last time I went to see my regular physician, she couldn't tell anything about me because their computers were down. Doesn't that strike you as odd? Seems like medicine has truly become a business. The ER/urgent care doc today I can exclude from this - after all, it's his job to take on the crises. But for my regular physician whom I see at least once a year - you'd think they'd get to know you as more than a case file on a computer. Sheesh.

PS: to top off a bad week - I lost my fantasy football matchup this week. Grr...


Blogger ocgal22 said...

Sorry to hear about your shoulder. Ouch!

Doesn't your doctor keep paper files? My doctors (both here in Singapore and in the U.S.) still have folders with each patient's history, etc. . . On the flip side, if the office were to burn down, I guess I would be as screwed as you were when the computers were down . . .

11:19 PM  

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